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Calif Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technician


UPDATED 3 13 2020 1316

The BVNPT understands that every program is currently being affected and experiencing a problem with facility availability.  Program directors must keep their assigned NECs informed of all changes and new issues that arise after their initial plan is submitted.  Programs that are not currently experiencing clinical facility issues and development issues in the future must update the NEC about the new issue at the time of occurrence and the implementation of their plan.

Each NEC assigned to programs will assist in any urgent needs for program changes and affiliate agreements, including simulation. If you are changing the delivery or addition to the program this is a program change and must be recorded and approved. The NEC is working diligently to assist you. Please be prepared to discuss the following topics with your NEC during the initial phone discussion:

  1. Current status of availability of clinical experience in facilities
  • List the names of facilities and estimated length of time that each facility won’t be available.
  • List semesters/terms and the number of students per semester/term affected.
  • List of the class starts for March, April, May 2020
  1. Program’s plan to provide clinical experience using skills or sim lab for the simulated experience.  
  • Status of development of clinical scenarios.
  • Plan for instruction during scenarios; and
  • Plan for rotation of different groups of students through the lab(s) to effectively provide clinical experience for all affected students.